Since 1990, we’ve come to know all the factors involved with greywater and rain irrigation. We took those factors, both costs and benefits, and built them into an Excel spread sheet. To see how much you’ll save, enter your home’s specific data, press enter, and voila!
A ReWater® system creates numerous benefits for owners:
- Lowers Your Water Costs
- Reduces Your Wastewater Costs
- Controls Your Maintenance Expenses
- Healthier Landscapes
- Quick Return on Investment
- Qualified for Federal Funding
Lowers Water Costs
By reusing the good water from inside a residence in ReWater’s system, you save money every time someone showers, bathes, or does laundry. Over half of all indoor water is reused.
That water is then used 30% – 60% more efficiently in ReWater’s underground drip network. As water rates rise, and they rise every year far faster than inflation, you save even more money.
Our system has been proven to reduce water costs for thousands of owners over decades!
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Reduce Wastewater Costs
By reusing half your indoor water, you keep that water from reaching the city’s sewage treatment plant. That reduces their energy, chemical, and O&M costs. It also reduces their discharges into the environment. Their savings are then reflected in your sewer bills.
If your residence will be on a private wastewater disposal system, reusing half your indoor water for irrigation preserves your expensive disposal fields/pits. You’ll be happy fifteen to twenty years from now when you don’t have to cough up $50,000 for a new disposal system.
If your home is already built, a system cuts your wastewater flow in half which revitalizes your leaching area. This is usually enough to keep you from having to install a very expensive new disposal system.
Return to TopControl Maintenance Expenses
Landscape maintenance costs money. The leading cost in landscape maintenance is from broken sprinkler heads. You completely eliminate broken sprinkler heads by reusing greywater in underground drip irrigation.
Drip also eliminates sprinkler over-spray, which causes stucco to disintegrate, windows to spot, and mortar between bricks to leach away. These savings add up year after year.
Unlike high maintenance sewage disposal systems that other companies sell as greywater irrigation systems, the ReWater system automatically cleans itself based on accumulated irrigation run-time. The only regular maintenance required is to replace the sand annually.
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Healthier Landscapes
Greywater is full of nutrients that plants love. As seen in this 2019 picture of a Los Angeles apartment complex using greywater since 2010, one half of their landscape uses greywater and one half uses city water.
The greywater-irrigated side is far healthier than the city-water side. Even better, by placing greywater at the roots of only the plants you want to irrigate, the healthier landscape has far less weeds.
Return to TopQuick Return on Investment
We live in a desert with tens of millions of people who also use water. Population keeps increasing, so water keeps getting more expensive. A ReWater System pays for itself quickly by providing its own water. It also uses that water in a highly efficient irrigation system proven to work over the long term with greywater.
If insufficient greywater is produced on any day, our systems automatically supplement any balance of that day’s irrigation program at midnight with city water through our proprietary underground drip irrigation. All studies show drip irrigation is 25% – 60% more efficient than sprinklers.
Once your system pays for itself, it returns a profit. Use our cost/benefit analyses spreadsheet, to determine how much money you will save.
Return to TopQualified for Federal Funding
A ReWater system reuses water, increases irrigation efficiency, reduces wastewater, eliminates irrigation run-off pollution, and reduces urban run-off pollution. Therefore, our systems pay for themselves extremely fast.
Our systems also remove the majority of surfactants (surface acting agents) found in residential wastewater. Surfactants mimic female hormones and are an insidious threat to our water supply. Putting surfactants into soil is well documented to break them down, eliminating this documented threat to our precious water resources.
In 1998-2001, ReWater went through the US EPA’s low-interest State Revolving Fund loan program application process. They determined that our very robust, cost effective, proven systems qualify for their matching funds and other funding programs.