Model RWAS Irrigation System

Once you have a ReWater greywater filter package, you must attach a ReWater automatic irrigation system (RWAS) package to make a complete ReWater® System.

A typical starter irrigation package contains enough of every component needed for your landscape. Every landscape is different, so feel free to consult with a landscaper to better understand irrigation, or contact us! After over three decades helping people reuse their greywater for irrigation, we can quickly answer all your questions.

A note about our exceptional and unique controllers – the irrigation industry standard is to test 4% of a production run for defects. We test every function on every ReWater controller before we ship it. You are guaranteed a perfect controller every time.

Sorry, but ReWater’s proprietary components may only be purchased as part of an irrigation package.

Low Pressure Greywater Approved 24 VAC Solenoid Valves




ReWater Complete Control RWCC3 9 station +$3,999.00

ReWater Complete Control RWCC3 12 station +$4,399.00

ReWater Complete Control RWCC3 15 station +$4,599.00

ReWater Complete Control RWCC3 21 station

ReWater Underground Emitters, box of 250

Only available through ReWater Systems with the purchase of an Irrigation Package. Each package contains 250 emitters




Polyethylene Tubing

16 mm

20 mm

